Home Care

The Horsfall House Home Care Service was created to care for those living in their own homes but in need of support. For many in the area it is a friendly and proactive lifeline that enables them to stay in their homes for as long as possible.

We can also provide a carer for longer periods of time to provide companionship and support regularly or whilst the main carer takes a break. In addition, together with other agencies, such as the district nursing teams and Macmillan Nursing, our highly trained staff can support those who are in the end stages of life to remain in their home if they choose to do this.

Why chose Home Care?

Home Care is available daily from 7am to 11pm and can help with all elements of personal care and/or general household duties, including:

Personal Care

Specialist Dementia Care From Highly Trained Staff

End of Life Care Support

Support Medication

Sitting Service for Companionship and Support Whilst the Main Carer Takes a Break

Shopping by Arrangement


Preparing Meals


Meals on Wheels in Local Area

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

We are regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission. You can view our latest CQC report here. Please note our Home Care is indepently registered from other Horsfall House services.



Whether you’re looking for personal care or simply a helping hand with household maintenance, fill out our application form and we will gladly assist!

If you still require further information before making an application, please do give us a call.

01453 731227

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